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gold leaf question

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gold leaf question Empty gold leaf question

Post by incastienen Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:26 pm


a few weeks ago i ordered some goldleaf.
Is anyone familiar with the use of goldleaf. I heard that you can not just clearcoat goldleaf.
I would like to airbrush, goldleaf and pinstripe a tank. But what is the right way to do this.
-tank is painted with 2k thinner bases paint
-i will use waterbased airbrush
-1shot pinstripe enamel
-1shot size
-plain goldleaf
And of course clearcoat everything with a thinner based clearcoat.

help me!


Number of posts : 21
Age : 41
Woonplaats : the netherlands
Registration date : 2008-05-16

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gold leaf question Empty Re: gold leaf question

Post by Brush Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:22 am

you can clear coat gold leaf. I have done it before. When you clear over one shot you will have to let it dry a couple days first, then spray a couple piss coats to seal it then clear as normal. I have done this many times and no problems. Just don't rush it......

Number of posts : 44
Age : 78
Registration date : 2008-05-03

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